The AURO-3D® Experience
So What Is New ?
The AURO-3D® Concept
Thanks to the flexible format and end-to-end ecosystem, AURO-3D provides an amazing immersive sound experience that feels natural, allowing the listener to better feel the emotion of the music or participate in the action that happens on the screen. The mission of AURO-3D is to bring this experience to everyone, everywhere on whichever device you use.
The AURO-3D® Format
Based on various acoustical principles, AURO-3D’s unique concept divides the soundfield around the listener in 3 different layers: the Surround, Height and Top layers.
Depending on the room and use case, various speaker layouts have been created to optimally spread the sound around the listener in a natural way, while maintaining compatibility with other existing systems such as surround and stereo.

While these channel configurations are used for content creation, the AURO-3D technology allows many variations on these layouts to be used in the listener’s environment, starting even from only 6 speakers (3.1+2H) and going up to 14 speakers in large rooms such as cinema theaters.
Content Creation

The Auro-3D Creative Tools Suite is a set of professional tools to mix and author music, movie and broadcast content using the AURO-3D formats and technology on different platforms in the studio or on the road.
Content Distribution
Amazing artistic creations require amazing technology to faithfully distribute the experience from the studio to the cinema, home, car or portable device. The AURO-3D technology suite contains high-quality audio coding technologies to do exactly that.

This all-new Next Generation Audio (NGA) Codec is built from the ground up to provide the best possible way to stream AURO-3D content. With support for up to 24 channels, up to 16 objects and Ambisonics, Auro-Cx is brings the best of all workflows together in one solution.
Designed as a scalable codec, the audio can be encoded at lossless, high-resolution quality (up to 192 kHz, 24 bit) as well as at a low bit-rate with high-quality sound (e.g., 384 kbps for Auro 9.1), and anything in between. Its unique ability to seamlessly switch between different bitrates, even makes it an obvious choice for demanding adaptive bitrate (ABR) scenarios.
Thanks to the object-based capabilities, Auro-Cx now also enables new interactive applications, such as localization (multiple languages in a single stream), dialog enhancement and alternative mixes.

This ground-breaking premium immersive sound codec is capable of embedding content created in AURO-3D in a high-resolution, uncompressed carrier. It is currently still the only audio codec capable of transporting discrete immersive sound in PCM at up to 96 kHz and 24 bit, while providing backwards compatibility with standard 5.1/7.1 surround without the need for additional decoders.
Used on Bluray Discs as well as for streaming solutions, this has becomes the preferred choice of many high demanding creators and listeners.
For optimal results with all kinds of inputs and output configurations, the Auro-Codec decoder is integrated in the AURO-3D Engine.

Experience a truly immersive cinematic experience in AuroMax, AURO-3D’s cinematic system that provides both object- and channel-based immersive audio in cinema theaters. Thanks to the compatibility with the SMPTE-standard for immersive audio (ST 2098), availability of content is guaranteed.

The highly acclaimed AURO-MATIC upmixer transforms any existing source into a compelling, emotional listening experience in immersive sound, using stereo, surround or even other immersive sound formats as input.
Auro-Matic has been optimized to work on multi-channel speaker setups, as well as on headphones, soundbars, smart speakers and car systems.
For optimal results with all kinds of inputs and output configurations, the Auro-Matic upmixer is integrated in the AURO-3D Engine, but is also available as a separate product on various target systems.
Playback Systems
Listening to AURO-3D can be done on all kinds of systems. Next to playback on multi-channel speaker setups, AURO-3D technology also provides the ultimate immersive experience on soundbars, headphones and car systems.

Consume your favorite music or movie, or expand your gaming experience in AURO-3D immersive sound on headphones thanks to the binaural 3D audio provided by Auro-Headphones. Optimized for use on a wide range of platforms, this technology not only allows you to experience original immersive sound streamed using, e.g., the Auro-Codec on a standard pair of headphones, but even elevates standard stereo or surround sources to higher levels, thanks to its integration with the Auro-Matic upmixing technology.
Experience it with the Artist Connection app on iOS and Android.

Thanks to the Auro-Scene virtual speaker technology, the AURO-3D listening experience is now also available on soundbars, smart speakers and even stereo systems such as TVs and stereo car systems. Thanks to the integration in the AURO-3D Engine and optimally tuned combination with the Auro-Matic upmixer, this technology is also capable of providing this experience from standard stereo and surround sources.

Bringing it all together in one aggregated solution: the AURO-3D ENGINE
To simplify the process of integrating the difference key technologies into cutting-edge products, we developed the Auro-3D Engine. Automatically providing the best AURO-3D listening experience for any kind of source and any kind of playback system, from stereo, over 5.1/7.1 surround and multi-channel immersive sound systems, this has become the go-to component for any serious product development.
Available for AVRs, soundbars, smart speakers and mobile devices, with implementations for various DSPs and ARM-based platforms.